
Subtle Glimpses of the Project!

Shree Jagdamba Textile

Shree Jagdamba Textiles Pvt Ltd is a well-known textile company in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Since its founding in 1991, they have advanced and grown significantly in the textile processing industry. They are involved in a variety of operations and complicated textile manufacturing processes, ranging from easy to complicated dyeing procedures to rotary printing procedures.

To better manage all these processes and structure the workflows, they have reached out to Sanskar Technolab for the effective implementation of ERPNext, its diverse modules and migration from Microsoft ERP to ERPNext.

Client Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Industry Manufacturing

Tech-Stack Web Server: Frappe Cloud, Database: MySQL (Maria DB), ERPNext Version: 14.13.0

Project Methodology Agile Scrum Methodology

What Does Client Want

What does the client want from us?

Our client is using the Microsoft ERP for management of their textile manufacturing and other business operations. Due to old systems and rigid processes, they are struggling with lesser employee productivity and errors throughout.

To simplify their employee tasks and better manage the workflows, we have suggested them to opt for ERPNext. It is a robust, cost-effective and feature-rich ERP with diverse modules, which manages all the operations in one place.

Our Results

The team at Sanskar Technolab thoroughly understands their unique business needs, migration from Microsoft ERP to ERPNext and ERPNext implementation requirements with diverse modules such as purchase, sales, stock and even custom reports to ensure desired end results for the clients.


Here’s the best part:

We have given them a comprehensive scope of work with the detailed budget and timeline to deliver the best quality within the deadline and budget. Also, we have quality project management and communication tools in place to ensure seamless collaboration throughout the project.

Some of the stand-out features of this project!

  • Tracking shortage of materials
  • Diverse Custom Reports
  • End-to-End lot & bale management
  • Entire keyboard operated interface
  • Streamlined packaging & dispatching process

Our Solutions for the Client

Purchase Management
Purchase Module

This module was customized to enable efficient "Grey Inward" material tracking, division of materials into different processes, and seamless tracking throughout the procurement journey. The system also facilitated streamlined management of return entries.

Sales Tracking
Sales Module

The ERPNext Sales module was enhanced to include a robust "Bale and Lot" number management system. This feature allowed for improved packaging and dispatching of products in line with textile industry standards.

Inventory Management
Inventory Module

Customizations within the Inventory module introduced "Lot Master" and "Bale Master" functionalities, providing Jagdamba Textile with better control over inventory management aligned with their purchase, sales and dispatch of the orders.

Custom Reports
Custom Reports

A key component of the ERPNext implementation project was the development of customized reports. These included Grey Inward Register, Lot Registers, Bale Register, Invoice Register, Stock Reports, Grey Purchase Register, and Raw Materials Purchase. These reports streamlined operations and improved decision-making by providing accurate, real-time data.

Their Challenges with Microsoft ERP & Our solutions with Power-Packed ERPNext!


Complex Lot and Bale Management Challenge


Lot and Bale management in the textile industry can be intricate, especially for a company like Jagdamba Textile, which deals with a variety of materials and processes. Tracking and managing different lots and bales for raw materials and finished products presented a significant challenge.


To address this, we customized the Lot Master and Bale Master in ERPNext to cater to the client's specific needs. This allowed Jagdamba Textile to efficiently track and manage their materials by lot and bale, providing a higher level of granularity and control.


Shortage Material Tracking Challenge


Dealing with material shortages is a common issue in textile manufacturing. The existing system lacked a robust mechanism for registering material shortages, making it challenging to address this problem promptly.


We implemented a customized shortage material tracking feature that enabled Jagdamba Textile to register and track material shortages accurately within the ERP system. This functionality allowed for timely replenishment and minimized production interruptions.


User Interface Efficiency Challenge


Their team has to juggle between hundreds of entries in a day and they want to use mouse for switching and handling entries, which was quite time consuming.


To enhance user efficiency, we developed a custom user interface that allowed seamless keyboard navigation within the ERPNext system. This feature empowered Jagdamba Textile's staff to switch between fields using keyboard only, eliminating the need for constant mouse interaction and significantly improving data entry speed and accuracy.


Lot and Bale Wise Dispatch Challenge


Managing dispatch operations lot and bale-wise was a tedious task for our client, especially without a tailored system in place.


We introduced a custom interface for lot and bale-wise dispatch within the ERPNext system. This feature streamlined the dispatch process, ensuring that products were dispatched according to specific lot and bale numbers, reducing the likelihood of errors and improving traceability.

What Our Client Loved Throughout the Project?

Site Visits Jagdamba

Site Visits to Understand Business Needs

Jagdamba Textile greatly appreciated our commitment to understanding their business inside out. Conducting site visits allowed us to gain firsthand knowledge of their operations, challenges, and unique requirements and helped us delivered desired results.

Adoption Jagdamba

Adoption of Latest Best Practices

By leveraging cutting-edge industry trends and technology, we ensured that Jagdamba Textile received the most advanced and relevant solutions when it comes to migrating from Microsoft ERP to ERPNext and implementing newer modules. This dedication to continuous improvement and innovation assured our client that their were in capable hands.

Rich Industry Expertise Jagdamba

Rich Industry Expertise

Our extensive experience in textile manufacturing and handling projects within the textile industry was a significant source of confidence for Jagdamba Textile. The fact that we had successfully managed similar projects in the past allowed the client to trust in our ability to tackle their unique challenges effectively.

Comprehensive Scope Jagdamba

Comprehensive Scope of Work and On-Time, On-Budget Delivery

The client highly valued our ability to provide a detailed scope of work, including a clear understanding of project timelines and budget constraints. Our commitment to delivering the project within the stipulated timeframe and budget demonstrated our professionalism and reliability.

Seamless Collaboration Jagdamba

Seamless Collaboration and Feedback Incorporation

The collaborative nature of our engagement was another factor that the client loved. We maintained open lines of communication throughout the project, actively seeking and incorporating their feedback. This approach ensured that Jagdamba Textile's voice was heard, and their input was taken into account, resulting in an ERP system that truly met their expectations.

Robust Post Project Support Jagdamba

Robust Post-Project Support

Our commitment to providing post-project support was invaluable to the client. Knowing that they could rely on us for ongoing assistance, updates, and maintenance gave them peace of mind. This robust post-project support not only safeguarded their investment but also demonstrated our long-term commitment to their success.

Feedback from our client!

Shree Jagdamba Textile
Jagdamba Textile

Our  team was previously struggling with an outdated system and we are doing the manual entries though Microsoft an local ERP. We want to step up our game to further streamline the textile manufacturing, migrate from Microsoft ERP to ERPNext and other process along with structure our workflows when it comes to managing the purchase, sales, processing, packaging and dispatching.

Sanskar Technolab understands our needs through communication an site visits and have helped us with the ERPNext implementation. And the very important thing that we were looking for is: Customized Reports for different tasks. We are enoying the current process, specially with the reports.

Uttam agrawal

Managing Director, Jagdamba Textile

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