
Subtle Glimpses of the Project!

Shri Ambica Polymer Pvt. LTD

Shri Ambica Polymer Pvt. Ltd. is a 100% export-oriented unit (EOU) offering a diverse range of polymer products. It is situated in Gujarat, India, with production facilities spread over approximately 870,000 Sq Ft. They are accredited Export House” by the government of India with huge annual processing capacity and 2000+ team members.

To manage their enormous operations, they are using an outdated system on Oracle, which is draining a lot of their time and efficiency throughout the process. To better streamline the operations, they have decided to switch from Oracle to ERPNext.

Client Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Tech-Stack Web Server: Frappe Cloud, Database: MySQL + Maria DB, ERPNext Version: 14.13.0

Industry Manufacturing

Project Methodology Agile Scrum Methodology

What Does Client Want

What does the client want from us?

Our client and their team members are way too frustrated with their previous, considering its inefficiencies, lesser automation, and lack of features as well. Also, they are using different platforms such as Excel and Word files for management.

To better deal with these problems, they are looking to develop a universal solution. For the same, they partnered with Sanskar Technolab for migration and even implementation of more modules and functions leveraging ERPNext, which helps them further accelerate the workflow, reduce repetitive manual processes, and save crucial business resources.

Challenges of Oracle & solutions with ERPNext for Ambica Polymers!

Challenges of Oracle


The licensing fees of Oracle are expensive.


Oracle has limited customization capabilities.


Steep learning curve


Higher dependence on the platform.

Solutions with ERPNext


ERPNext incurs only a one-time licensing cost


ERPNext offers enhanced customization capabilities


Easy learning curve


More control with ERPNext

Our Results

We have connected with our client and their team members to understand more about the business, processes, time needed, end goal, and other things to plan out the strategy in the right direction and develop a universal platform considering all their business requirements.


Here’s the best part

We are using just ERPNext for all the migration and implementation - considering their diverse set of tasks and processes.

Some of the stand-out features of this project!

  • Management of diverse procurement processes
  • Add & edit quotations
  • No manual entries
  • End-to-End barcode integration
  • Seamlessly handling EXIM transactions
  • Tracking stock ageing and re-ordering
  • Universal platform(No other platform required)
  • Overall asset management

The Implementation & Migration Strategy: Oracle to ERPNext Simplified!


Our client and their team, who had been struggling with an outdated Oracle system(20-year-old system), are looking for a more cost-effective, streamlined, and feature-rich ERP solution to better organize and manage their business operations. Considering the need for an upgrade, they reached out to Sanskar Technolab

Introduction to ERPNext

After a thorough evaluation of their requirements, such as an easy learning curve and higher customizations and integration, our team recommended ERPNext as the ideal solution. We presented an in-depth explanation of ERPNext's platform, its cost-effectiveness, feature set, customization capabilities, and integrations. The client was convinced with ERPNext and decided to move forward.

Migration and Implementation

After the client onboarding, we commenced the migration and implementation process. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of their business requirements through site visits, connecting with their team, and knowing about their end goals. This analysis paved the way for the seamless migration implementation of new modules, features, and automated workflows.

Implementation and Customization

After that, we delved into the implementation phase. It involves customizing ERPNext to align with the client's specific industry and business processes. We have configured modules such as Purchase, HR & Payroll, CRM, Manufacturing, Accounting, Asset Management, Sales, and Inventory. We have even implemented automated workflows and conducted user training sessions to ensure a smooth transition to the new system.

Database Migration

We are at the last stage. This phase has several technical challenges, such as extracting data from the legacy Oracle system, which was quite different from ERPNext's database schema, and thorough data cleansing and transformation to ensure compatibility with ERPNext's data structure.

Despite these challenges, our team executed a successful database migration, ensuring a seamless transition from the outdated Oracle system to the new, efficient ERPNext platform.

Our Key Solutions & Integrations!

Purchase Management
Purchase Module

This module is designed to streamline the procurement process.

  • It helps them manage various procurement processes, including B17, Form A, and intimation.
  • With this module, they can efficiently track purchase orders, suppliers, and invoices.
  • It ensures better control over their procurement operations.
Oracle Hr&Payroll
HR & Payroll Module

With a team of over 2000+ team members, our client is looking forward to an easy and cost-efficient system to manage human resources and payroll.

  • Our team understood their requirements and implemented features such as leave management, overtime tracking, salary processing, productivity analysis, holiday scheduling, and even loan management.
  • It simplifies their overall HR tasks, making it easier to handle a large workforce.
Oracle CRM
CRM Module

Our clients haven’t had any CRM before, so they are looking to implement it for better customer relationship management.

  • We have implemented a CRM module that includes features like mail integration, lead generation, lead tracking, and opportunity management. 
  • They can even make and edit the quotations, making it easier to manage the sales process and improve customer relations.
Manufacturing Optimization
Manufacturing Module

This module is essential for businesses dealing with production processes.

  • It provides our client with features such as end-to-end item tracking, shift-wise production tracking, barcode integration, weight management, automated tracking, and multiple production order entry.
  • They can use this module to optimize their manufacturing operations and improve product quality.
Accounting Integration
Accounting Module

Efficient financial management is crucial for any business.

  • The accounting module helps Ambica Polymers manage employee salaries, handle export transactions (Exim), and address various accounting needs. 
  • We have even added features such as financial reporting along with accurate and compliant accounting practices.
Oracle Asset Management
Asset Management Module

To help our client properly track and manage assets to maintain operational efficiency, we have implemented this module.

  • It helps them track assets, schedule maintenance, calculate depreciation, and monitor overall asset conditions. 
  • The implementation makes sure that their assets are well-maintained and used optimally.
Sales Module

The sales module provides tools for managing sales orders efficiently for our clients.

  • Our team has implemented features such as master barcodes for bulk order tracking, system integration for dispatch, and automated sales invoice generation and sending.
  • All of these features and modules structure the sales process and improve order accuracy.
Inventory Management
Inventory Module

We have even helped them with the implementation of the inventory module.

  • It helps them swiftly organize their inventory by location and warehouse, track stock ageing, automate re-ordering, and implement a Kanban inventory management system.
  • The implementation ensures that they have the right products available when needed, reducing stockouts and overstocking.

Why have Our Clients Chosen Us for their Migration and Implementation Needs?

Thorough Demo

Thorough Demo

We have given our client a comprehensive demo of why we should switch to ERPNext and everything around that platform. We have given our client a practical insight into how our team can enhance their business operations and further simplify the business workflows.

Site Visits

Site Visits

Sanskar Technolab went the extra mile by conducting on-site visits to our client's businesses, gaining an in-depth understanding of their unique operations and project requirements. This personalized approach was a key factor in their decision-making process.

ERPNext Bronze Partner

ERPNext Bronze Partner

The fact that Sanskar Technolab is a distinguished ERPNext Bronze Partner was a strong point of attraction. This partnership status signifies a high level of expertise, trustworthiness, and a commitment to delivering top-tier ERPNext solutions.

Prototype Visualization

Prototype Screen Visualization

With the system's interface and functionality prototype, we allowed the client to visualize their processes within ERPNext and how our process will unfold throughout. This visual representation facilitated collaborative discussions and ensured the system design precisely met their unique requirements, ensuring a successful migration and implementation without much hassles later on.

Industry Rich Experience

Industry-Rich Experience

Sanskar Technolab successful track record in completing various projects within the manufacturing industry resonated with our client. This industry-specific experience provides them with the assurance that their manufacturing processes will be optimized effectively.

Feedback from our client!

Shri Ambica Polymer Pvt. LTD
Ambica Polymers

Our team is struggling with the 20-year-old system on Oracle which is affecting their productivity and overall business operations. We are willing to migrate to a new ERP system and that's when Sanskar Technolab suggested opting for ERPNext as it is quite easy to use, cost-effective, and open-source. The Sanskar technolab team has completed a smooth migration from Oracle to ERPNext and even implemented new customized features on ERPNext. They have understood our requirements very well and delivered the desired results. Thank you, Sahil, Harsh, and especially Kirit Bhai.

Yogeshkumar Agrawal

Chairman, Ambica Polymers

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